Porte Development Revised Proposal

Porte Flyer

On Saturday May 5, many in the community received an information sheet from Porte Developments describing changes made to their development proposal (attached). The Rosemary Heights Community Association met on May 7 and discussed the new proposal at length. The consensus among the association is that the revised plan will negatively impact the community even further than the previous proposal in terms of the environment, traffic, schools and other amenities. We have also heard concerns from many in our community about the proposed density and other aspects of the revised proposal.

The association is currently making inquiries about information provided in the sheet and will provide the community with the facts as soon as they are confirmed.

At this pivotal point in the community’s effort to stop the development, the Rosemary Heights Community Association has identified the need to grow the mailing list in order to garner the maximum support possible. Please share this link with friends and neighbours in the community and encourage them to sign up for the mail list. This will be the community’s source for notifications and information as they become available.


The Rosemary Heights Community Association is also in the final stages of developing a website that will hold reference material, reports, updates and information about any upcoming events. As soon is the site is ready, a link will be forwarded to everyone on the mailing list.

As far as Porte’s final submission to the City, which initiates the official Council process, there is nothing to report. They have not made their submission and until they do we are at a standstill. Any activity in that respect will also be reported to the community via the mail list.

Again, please refer as many people in the neighbourhood as possible to sign up for the mailing list. As soon as we have the facts confirmed about Porte’s revised proposal the information will be disseminated to the community through this format.

Thank you and please stay tuned.



Porte Development Concerns


Porte's Flyer vs. The Facts